Rain, wind, snow, more rain. Yes, El Nino was here. You weathered the big storms in your beautiful log home, now what? If your log home was in an area affected by El Nino this year, now is the perfect time to inspect for damages, begin repairs, and make sure your cabin gets the maintenance it needs to keep you cozy through many more storms in the future.
The first thing you’ll want to do once El Nino has said its goodbyes is to take a visual tour around the exterior of your home. Inspect the walls of your home for damaged or missing chinking, signs of mildew, or places where falling branches or debris might have caused damage. Take a look at the trim around windows both inside and outside, applying fresh caulking as necessary and keeping an eye out for signs of water damage. Water will find any crack to enter your home, so inspect everything very carefully so you can avoid having to deal with repairs down the road.
Tree limbs or other debris may have fallen or blown on to the roof, causing damage. Be sure to check for missing tiles, water leaks or any signs of damage. Make a note of any suspicious spots and have an experience log home maintenance professional take a look. Now move on to the foundation of your home. Check if mud or debris is stacked up around the base of each wall. Remove if you can and check for damage underneath. Trim back any bushes or foliage that have grown up close to the walls, giving your home the space and air it needs to dry out.
Notice any “flood zones” around your home? If you noticed any areas around the home where water pooled excessively when it rained, make a note of it, and once things dry out see if there are any landscaping changes you can make to help move water away from your foundation, not toward it.
If you followed our “Get ready for El Nino guide” you may have cleaned out your gutters a few months ago, but heavy rains and wind probably have filled them back up again with twigs, leaves and debris that will cause water backups and flooding. Be sure to check and clean out all gutters one more time.
Finally, once you’re sure the storms are over, be sure to print out and use our complete log home maintenance checklist to assure yourself that everything is in good shape. You may need to stain or seal the wood or have your chinking checked for the new season. And if you did experience any significant damage from the storms, be sure to take photos and document completely if you plan on putting in any home insurance claims.
If you’re not sure how extensive the damage is or feel like you might need a log home maintenance and restoration professional, please feel free to give us a call at 877-477-6564. ProLog Restorations is Professionally Certified, Licensed, Bonded, and Insured and our work is 100{bb6570eb172fc1561caaef55e2422101e8cc7424bda63b5543e00521dcebdc33} satisfaction guaranteed!