If you’ve always dreamed of owning a log home or getaway log cabin, but have heard a few too many scary stories that make you wonder if they are worth it, we’re here to give you the full truth about log home myths and set the record straight.
Myth #1: Painting a log home is just fine
This is such a huge log home myth! Covering the logs with traditional house paint is an open invitation for log decay as the paint actually traps moisture in the wood. Using a proper log stain designed for use on a log home allows the logs to properly breathe and release moisture. You may pay a little more for log-home specific sealer or stain, but you’ll have to apply it less often, it will protect your logs much better, and save you money in the long run by not having to replace damaged logs that weren’t protected from the elements.
Myth #2: Log homes are hard to maintain
Maintaining a log home can be easy, as long as homeowners perform easy seasonal inspections that help you stay ahead of any issues. Regular checks for damage, insects, and small issues that can often be handled by the homeowner will help prevent repairs in the future. For easy maintenance guidelines and checklists, be sure to download our free e-book from our homepage on this website. The tips and tricks for creating a low maintenance log home you’ll find in our book will help save a vast amount of time, money, and effort, leaving you with plenty of space to relax and enjoy your home.
Myth #3: Log homes are not energy efficient
Log homes represent one of the most traditional and historic types of homes, yet are firmly on the cutting edge when it comes to the green movement and eco-conscious living. Here’s a few reasons why:
- Log homes utilize construction methods that rely on natural materials that are not harmful to environment. If you compare constructing a log home with that of a conventional home, it has much lower processing costs and almost zero waste.
- The use of natural materials in a log home contributes to a healthier environment. Studies have shown that log homes support healthier indoor air quality, including naturally maintaining humidity in a desirable range.
- Log homes hold heat longer and cool off quicker, making them much more energy efficient.
- Log walls also naturally regulate humidity, making humidifiers and dehumidifiers unnecessary.
Myth #4: Log homes are a fire hazard
this is a very important log home myth. Many people don’t realize that log homes are already much more resistant to wildfire damage than traditional homes. The materials, structure, and building techniques used to construct log homes put you a step ahead of your suburban neighbors when facing down a raging fire. For instance, because of their mass, log structures are naturally resistant to fires. Think of it this way, when you build a fire, you don’t just get a match and hold it up to a large block of wood to instantly start a fire. No, you start with small bits of kindling, then slowly build your way up. This is why trees burn easily, they are filled with small branches, dry needles, etc. It’s like they have the kindling built right in.
Now look at your log home. If it’s built using large logs or timbers, as most log homes are, your home has a much better chance of survival, because it will take a lot longer for a fire to take hold. If the fire does burn up close to your outer walls, feeding on surrounding grasses, trees or other vegetation, the exterior can get charred. This affects the appearance of the logs without causing structural damage, something log home professionals can easily deal with by media blasting the sides, refinishing and restaining it.
Myth #5: Any contractor can build or restore a log home
Choosing the right expert to help you build or maintain your log home may be the most important decision you make. Log structures are unique and therefore require specialized skills and experience. When it’s time for building, maintenance, renovation or restoration for your log home or place of business, click here to learn more about what qualities you need to look for in order to choose the right person to work on your log home.
For those who dream of owning these iconic pieces of Americana, the recent upturns in the economy have reignited those dreams and motivated people to take action and start shopping for a log home. So if you’ve been considering a log home, rest assured that the benefits are many, and the drawbacks are few. And if you still have questions, feel free to call our ProLog log home professionals at at 877-477-6564. We’re here to help!