ProLog Restorations Inc – Log Home Restoration Company

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How to find water leaks in your log home

The last two seasons here in California were unusually wet, and here at Prolog Restorations we’ve been busy helping log home owners throughout the state find log home leaks and fix water damage that occurred. Now that we’re enjoying summer weather, it’s the perfect time to check your own home for signs of leaks or damage as well.

In general, log homes are more likely to be affected by wet weather than those that are located in extreme environments.  Rainstorms and melting snow can drive water into log cabins that are older and/or not well maintained over the years. Log homes located in unprotected areas, such as on a mountain ridgeline, can suffer as heavy winds and “horizontal” rain drive water into hidden cracks and crevices, causing log home leaks.

If your log home leaks or you notice damage or signs of water leaks such as stains or damage, be sure to contact a log home professional, (like us!), for an inspection. Meanwhile, there are a few things you can do until help arrives to focus in on the problem, and reduce the possibility of even more damage.

The first thing you’ll need to do is to take a walk around the outside of your home. Inspect the walls for damaged logs or missing chinking, signs of mildew, or places where falling branches or debris might have caused damage. Take a look at the trim around windows both inside and outside, keeping an eye out for signs of water damage.

Now move on to the foundation of your home. Check if mud or debris is stacked up around the base of each wall. Remove if you can and check for damage underneath. Trim back bushes or foliage touching the walls, checking for hidden damage there as well.

Fixing water leaks when you find them can be as simple as filling in gaps with caulking or repairing the existing chinking. If you suspect a water leak, but can’t find where it came in, a log home professional can use thermal imaging technology to track it down.

If you have water leaks in your log home, or suspect there might be, contact us at (877) 477-6564. ProLog Restorations Inc., is professionally certified, licensed, bonded, and insured and our work is 100% satisfaction guaranteed. Our experienced log home professionals can help you find water leaks, repair water damage, and check for any other issues that need attention before winter rolls around again.


JonHow to find water leaks in your log home